Geneva Christian College - Website Design & Build

Geneva Christian College

Website Design

The Geneva School was founded in 1967, and the first primary classes commenced in February 1968, with secondary classes started in 1984. Geneva is located on the outskirts of the township of Latrobe, ideally situated on 50 hectares of farm and bush land and has over a 50 year history within the community. It has a well-established and fully accredited co-educational programme.

As a Christian school, personal character, self- discipline and responsibility are considered equally as important outcomes as academic learning. The aim is for students to live by Biblical standards and make worthwhile contributions to society and the wider community. Values like good manners, family traditions and moral principles are integrated into the school’s educational framework. We consider it a privilege to partner with parents in educating their children.

Teachers share the Christian ethos of the school and are committed to educating and caring for each child as an individual. Students have the ability to continue their education right through from Kindergarten to Year 12 and may graduate, either proceeding to tertiary education, apprenticeships or enter a range of employment opportunities.

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